Why Music Videos are the Perfect Marketing Tools

Anyone who exists in this timeline must have heard Justin Bieber at some point in their lives. How did he get his big break, you ask? Music videos. While his path may have been a little more pedestrian, with his being homemade videos posted on YouTube, you have the opportunity to take your career to the next level by investing in music video production.

Memphis Depay - No Love (Official Video).mp4.00_01_43_06.Still003.jpg

As an independent artist, you pretty much have to do everything yourself. You are own marketer, PR person, sometimes you are even your own producer. This means that you may have to put in a little more effort than signed artists do to get your music out there. Before video streaming websites and social media, independent artists were reluctant to make music videos. After investing your resources in creating videos for your music, you still had to get TV stations to play them. However, with the advent of sites like YouTube, and the video-sharing option on various social media platforms, there is so much good that music videos could do for you.

Do You Really Need a Music Video?

Considering the effort and resources music videos require, the rewards just have to be worth it. So what exactly is it that you can get from music videos as an independent artist?

  • Music videos are the perfect branding tool:

Creating videos for your music is the perfect way to let your fans in on who you are as an artist. While a great song will do its part in telling people the kind of artist that you are, a great music video tells the story of your identity in a way audio could not even dare. Music videos help to put a face to the message behind your music.

  • Music videos are more accessible:

Thanks to audio streaming sites like Sound Cloud and Spotify, it becoming increasingly to upload your music. However, videos are accessible to everyone! I mean, anyone can create a YouTube channel or you could just post your videos on your social media page. The accessibility of music videos has finally put the power in the hands of artists. Now you can establish your brand and even let your fans into your life with the perfect music video.

  • Music videos have a wider reach:

If you saw a link to an audio streaming site and a video, which are you more likely to click and share? For an upcoming artist, taking advantage of the shareable nature of videos on the internet is a step in the right direction. All it takes to establish yourself as an artist to look out for is a single viral video.

As an independent artist, you can definitely choose to upload videos of you singing your songs in your room. However, if there is anything that keeps people coming back for more, it is effort and excellence. You do not want to put out a music video just because you can; you want to do it right. If doing it right is something you are interested in, you need to ask for help. While it may be more dramatic to say, “This entire video was shot on an iPhone”, you do yourself and your music no favours by putting out poor quality videos. For this reason, you need to start considering employing the services of a professional. Video production companies are known to work with independent artists to create music video magic. Compared to the production teams of major record labels, working with a video production company allows you to define exactly how you want your music video to turn out.

At this point, I can already hear you saying, “But I don’t have any money”.

I promise, making a quality music video does not have to cost an arm and a leg. With a music scene as robust as the one in London, Fox and Falcon have created music video production packages to meet the increasing demand. As a video production company operating in London and Berkshire, we understand the importance of creating value for money. At Fox and Falcon, we understand that for anyone looking to make a career out of music, visuals and imagery are almost as important as the music. If your desire is to make music videos that stand out and take your brand to the next level, send us a message today!