5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Corporate Talking Head Video


Corporate Talking Head Video

With corporate videos become more and more popular, it is only necessary that you start using videos to reach your audience. While there are many types of corporate videos, talking videos are taking center stage.

Talking head videos are videos that involve a person talking to the camera. The talking subject might be talking directly to the camera or looking to the side as if being interviewed. As a business owner or an organisation head, especially in London, you need to start to working on including corporate talking head videos in your business plan.

With talking videos becoming more and more popular, many are tempted to think they are incredibly easy to make. “I mean, with the right talking subject and a good enough background, I should be able to shoot and edit it on my iPhone right?” Absolutely not. If you’re talking video is going to achieve its purpose, you have to do it right. That is why Fox and Falcons exists to make your corporate video dreams come true. Sound play a significant role in video production. Bad sound, Bad video, Bad Video, Pointless waste of time.

The future of corporate videos is here, and Fox and Falcon is here to guide you through all of it. We are London based videographers committed to making sure your corporate talking head video is just what your business needs to solidify its place in the hearts of your clients and stakeholders. However, if you are still unsure about them, and you need a little more convincing, here are a few reasons why you need a talking head interview for your business:

  1. They do the best explaining:

    With text, it is very easy to lose meaning in your message. Corporate videos however, do a great work explaining. Whether they are training instruction videos for your employees, or a video telling your clients about your new products/ services, corporate talking head videos are the best way to tell the full story.

  2. They increase conversion rates:

    Although good old text and word of mouth may make the necessary information to your clients and employees, are they enough to evoke reactions? Yes, maybe your extremely long and probably boring brochure might pass across the information, but it might not necessarily result in action. Sometimes all you need is to put a face to all that information.

    If your corporate videos are made right, they build trust and connection with their audience so that they are more willing to act on the information contained in the talking head interview.

  3. They build trust:

    It is one thing to tell people something, it’s another thing to get them to believe in it enough to act on it. Corporate talking videos create an air of familiarity with its audience. If you want your audience to believe in the message that you are conveying, a corporate video is just what you need.

  4. They are cost effective.

    While corporate videos are very necessary, it is easy to get stuck in grand productions that consume business resources. With talking head videos, you still get the effect that all corporate marketing videos provide, only difference is talking head videos cost a lot less. Because of how simple they are, they would require less equipment, less location prepping time and definitely less editing time. So you still pass across the message in the manner that corporate videos do. This time however, you are spending a lot less money. Moreover, believe me when I say at Fox and Falcon you will be getting the best possible quality at less cost.

  5. They are great tool for feedback:

    Humans love to share their experiences in the most honest manner. Talking head videos are a good way to improve customer or employee feedback. Talking head customer interviews give your customers and employees an open platform to share their opinions.

    Now that we are sure we have made a good case for talking head videos, I know you have questions. Well, we’ll start by answering the where. If you’re in the London area, congratulations you’re home. Based out of London, Fox and Falcon is a video production company that has proven repeatedly why we are London’s favourite videographers. At Fox and Falcon, we are dedicated to producing the best talking head videos for your company. Visit our website today and get the best video production service in all of London. 

So get in contact with us today to find out how we can help your company produce the perfect talking head videos!